DreamGuest Non-Discrimination Policy

DreamGuest believes that all guests deserve to be treated with dignity and respect and that a person’s race, gender, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, religion, ethnicity, age, national origin, or disability, or any other characteristic protected by applicable laws (together known as personal qualities), should have no impact on whether or not a person receives a reward. Abuse of these policies shall be grounds for elimination of a host’s DreamGuest account.

When considering a guest’s behavior at a property, hosts must maintain a view of the guest completely devoid of a guest’s personal qualities.  Hosts must only factor in a guest’s actions when determining whether or not to reward a guest.

For example, a 70-year-old guest was perfectly well behaved, left the property spotless, and was a joy to communicate with throughout the entire process.  It would be against DreamGuest’s policies to not reward that person simply because the host doesn’t like senior citizens.

DreamGuest reserves the right to limit access for hosts that violate these policies and eliminate the accounts of hosts who show a pattern of discrimination.